what is CICGC
what is CICGC
This post is strangely underwritten
what is ADS
the part where the guy gives Han his name is literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen in a movie
What? Trump is a New York real estate maven and his base is primarily suburban, not rural, and the average Trump voter makes more than $80,000 a year.
Depends on your definition of practicality - from a cooling standpoint it probably is practical.
There are dozens of comments here making the same point you are and literally none complaining that way. Why are you so invested in preemptively yelling about stupidity you have no evidence exists?
Literally no comments like that yet, and yet there’s dozens virtue signaling about how that attitude is dumb.
I mean, look, 99.99% of Viking warriors were men. That’s not a GamerGate conspiracy, it’s just a historical fact. Why wouldn’t they show a male protagonist in the cinematic trailer? Do you really think that if the female protagonist was represented, that would be some big blow for feminism?
How dare he prefer the earlier style of gameplay! Let’s launch an embarrassing number of reply comments at him attacking him for that preference!
Of course, while we’re talking about the historical record, we might note that the percentage was a rounding error. You know, since we’re so concerned with historical facts and all.
The problem is that Breach makes the game too easy. It gives your guys a huge tactical advantage every encounter.
that’s the joke/point
... you get that no rape is actually shown, right? That he burns her instead?
Unpopular opinion: the Netflix MST3K is traaaaaaaaash. They try way too hard to fill all of the time with jokes, including talking over the dialogue in the movies, which the original show very rarely did. It’s like they don’t trust their material and feel like they need to pack as many jokes in as possible. The…
lol there is no finishing up Odyssey, there’s just finally deciding to stop. That game is endless (mostly in a good way).
People were way too harsh on Alexios. I bet it’s 75%-25% in favor of Kassandra.
Twitter does not at all reflect the national mood. It reflects the mood of the kind of people who are on Twitter, who are nothing like a representative sample of the country.
He means that you can’t shoot then move, which is true.
But they can’t shoot then move.