Monkey See Monkey Don't

And yet the Catholic Church says that communion wafers literally, physically turn to the flesh of Jesus in your mouth. And if you’ve abstracted away to the point that you deny the resurrection, there’s nothing left worth keeping in the religion and it should all just be scrapped.

Professors shouldn’t receive pedagogical training because pedagogical training has never been proven to have any direct value in terms of student learning.

damn man you truly are the wokest white man

Breaking news: woke celebrities are doing it for professional gain, not out of authentic political sentiment.

Has there never been a single mistake made by the social justice movement when it comes to comedy? Do you really think there’s never been one solitary time that woke culture has gotten something shut down in error? Are all of you literally perfect?

Dayquil’s a god damn party in a bottle, is what it is. Nyquil’s even better. What better way to ride out a cold than by getting tanked?

You’re really that offended by that dad joke? How do you survive in the world?

This is so perfectly engineered for the woke takes industry that it must be fake.

Pop dominates all of these lists because music critics are so desperately afraid of being attacked by “poptimists.” And it causes exactly the kind of freezing out of other genres that you see here.

The poptimist era is so boring. Critics are terrified to treat any pop music as less than genius and ignore other genres.

The internet:

It’s a profound misunderstanding of both the plot and the themes of Fury Road to say that Max is irrelevant. It’s wrong by the simple text of the movie and it’s wrong according to the movie’s message.

You can fairly argue anything, given that appreciation of movies is a matter of personal, subject taste.

“Everything got so much worse in the latter half of the 2010s” (repeated ad nauseam in this piece) is the opinion of people too privileged or too myopic to understand that this is what the United States has always been. We have always been this broken and we have always been this evil. You’re just waking up to it now.


... Red Dead Redemption 2 came out last year

Anyone who interprets a piece of art differently than you is a misogynist. Got it.

100% more of zero is not one

they’re super ultra positive about every movie

But Millennials aren’t young anymore. The oldest Millennials turn 40 in a month and a half.