
Crazy Ex Girlfriend is the bomb. It’s slightly uncomfortable at times, but really easy to watch while doing anything else (eating, drinking, vacuuming, whatever. Idk your life). Also, musical numbers and dark humor.

75 and 76 - both a yes.

I meant to add that if we’re looking toward CA, I am far more excited about Kamala Harris someday running than I am of Gavin Newsom.

No way. I dig him and am excited to vote for him for Governor, but he might be the only person that CA Republicans hate more than HRC. And his scandals while SF Mayor will undoubtedly be dragged back out.

Stupid sexy Flanders!

As an official White Person From Connecticut™, I can brook much of this ribbing in good humor. My tartans and cakes and mug toppers will survive this onslaught of Magaryisms. My holiday good cheer will continue apace and my cup will runneth over with nasty-ass truffle oils while I listen to the Non-specific Winter

Well if you mean a literal riot, member of congress would just GTFO of D.C and it’s residents will be left to deal with the damage.

As a complete aside - Eleanor Holmes Norton is the long-standing District of Columbia representative in Congress (but doesn’t have a vote because no one thought actual people would live in DC). She continues to be extremely relevant today. She’s pretty awesome. I actually didn’t know she led this lawsuit until well

I think you are missing the point. This is a fictionalized representation of an actual figure. Knowing what I know about EHN, this is not a conversation she would’ve had. She did support the feminist movement but not in this manner and not in these words.

It is based on true events. Yes.

you forgot the rest of the world mate.... thats just the home crowd

as of this very moment, i think president circus peanut intends to fuck at least 64,469,963 of us from the oval office.

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .


Kids take up every fucking minute of your goddam life, and they’re an inconvenience to others, which is why Moms usually band together in packs. Spread out the misery.

It doesn’t stop at dating. I’m not sure why every asshole at the park needs to know my profession immediately

God, dating in DC sucks.

Congressional Republicans in a Clinton presidency are going to make the last 8 years look like they were holding hands and singing Kumbaya with President Obama.

CNN said he just made history as never has anybody been booed before.