Don’t STOP!
Don’t STOP!
They are grabby grabby!
I love how the addition of the period at the end of “fuck” is exactly in rhythm. Awesome gif.
I love thinking these kinds of thought too about the other species we share the planet with. The whole notion of “play,” for intance. Many species obviously play, that is, engage in activities not directly related to survival, and look like they’re having “fun.” It makes me very happy that we aren’t the only ones who…
I think it’s perfectly understandable that you’d be envious of this family’s boost. You need that yourself and it ain’t happening. Of course you’re envious. And to have to give up your animals, and lose so much...I honestly can’t imagine. But you’ve gotten this far without falling apart so you’re obviously made of…
This is so awful. I’m an Old and while there was always a little bullying and gossip and cliques, I never in my entire teen years knew anyone in my cohort who killed themselves. I never considered it even though my teen years were as confusing and sometimes miserable as everyone else’s. I cannot imagine how awful it…
Me too! I looked at that picture and thought, hey, I like that whole dress down the dressed up look. Now I find out I’m years behind the times. Sigh.
Gunne Sax were THE thing when I was high school aged. This was the Great Recession and my family was very poor so I couldn’t afford one for prom, but yes, Gunne Sax.
I hear you. Hang on. Don’t stop trying.
I hear you. Hang on. Don’t stop trying.
Shame after relapse...<raises hand>
I’ve never understood women who blame the WOMAN for the affair of the HUSBAND. Such strange logic. The MAN is the one who violated his vows. I guess it presumes a kind of sisterhood, nut one that I’ve never experienced.
Ew. Just ew.
Yeah, I thought of PCP right away, but then wondered why on earth would someone intentionally take PCP while flying at a high rate of speed in a large metal tube. Maybe he intentionally took something that had unintentional angel dust in it.
Eugenics much?
Why is body mod - all the way from makeup to surgery - by nature specifically *misogynistic*? That is something I don’t get about the judgey comments in this section. It is fairly likely that people modify their bodies for all kinds of reasons, not just Oppression by the Patriarchy. It reads a little like 80s radical…
Is there anything any of us can do???
I first read this as “the ingrates are ruining the asylum,” which had me nodding in total agreement.