
How old is it?

If the FCC were to do what the article stated which was force the carriers to send the message, then even if you dont get texts or you blocked a number, it will still come through. The carrier can send you anything they want, it's their system.

Pretty sure with that amount of power and the fact that it is a daily driver, he probably didn't want to warp time and space and throw a grenade in the trans or rear so he went with a softer launch.

Man that guy sucks at playing COD.

Twice as good as the regular Maryland plate and about 5 times as good as the 1812 plate.

And so it begins...

It is pretty impressive, though, that so soon after its invention, these artists could look at a screen only a few inches high by a few inches wide and say, "You know what would be neat for the future?"

i haz a sad now...

Which is exactly why I want them to make it. If they can make a car like the ZR1 for a hundred grand that bests cars that cost 2 or 3 times as much, they can do it with a car that is between 20 and 30 grand.

she might want to look into that before the VHS degrade to the point where they cant be played anymore. as a mothers day present we got all our home movies digitized and put on DVD/Youtube. Not sure but it was fairly cheap per movie. Also, can't think of the service but we got all the movies back too.

Happy 100th Birthday Chevy! Your present is going to be the money I give you for building me a cheap, fast, light, rear-wheel drive, 6 speed manual coupe, with a minimum of 300 hp with just a smidgen of reliability.

You know what my automatic wipers are called?

I think you hit the nail on the head. Have one side be the list of messages, threaded or not, and the other side either be the mail viewer. When you are composing, have the right side (if you are a rightie) be the composing side with the left side as the options page. Vice versa for the opposite.

I'm sure we did.

The last time I "cyber talked" I was a 14 year old boy who pretended to be a 21 year old lesbian in a chat room waiting 15 minutes for the 56k modem to download a picture from other "lesbians."

Why can't I just have the FT-86 concept in Gran Turismo form? This includes all the lightening and power upgrades that I have done on the digital one.....except in real life I would definitely be able to put turbo or supercharger on it.

Outlook integration was secondary, not shelved completely. I find it funny that this is the second comment I have had to write this on.

Im pretty sure that it had access to the web and if I remember the article yesterday, it said that Outlook integration was secondary, but not out of the question completely.

I'm sure the crashes are awesome but your description wins hands down.