Adding Kit to my list of female authors that deserve a biopic. Shirley Jackson and Octavia Butler being some others.
Adding Kit to my list of female authors that deserve a biopic. Shirley Jackson and Octavia Butler being some others.
The first Battlefront from 1977 had 26 different modes. Sometimes, you can’t surpass the original game.
New feature for Kotaku, “Painful Video Games that You Won’t Have to Play Because I Did”. It will be bigger than Go Bots and We Are the World combined.
Need to decrypt an engram to understand.
His dumb statements are nothing new.
She should have asked for something else to clean her palate after waking up after X amount of years.
These disclaimers are seriously probably being done because of legal issues. It is quite amazing that a large company would do anything like this at all (most don’t care, seriously companies rarely do something like this). To all of the complainers make WB a deal like this, start a GoFundMe and if all of the money…
Who gives a crap about what people post on Twitter. Best thing to do, post things that you want to and don’t care about what people say. Most of the negative comments you will receive come from people who don’t have experience or real knowledge about what they give you crap over.
The horse armor DLC will be cool.
This game will still be better than Kasumi Ninja for the Jaguar. Trash of the trash.
I am guessing that EA takes a real quarter to quarter view on games. Also, it sounds like Bioware is having a lot of operational difficulty with things where they probably decided not to make a sequel to Mass Effect even before the newest game was released. If sales of the new game were bonkers, they probably would…
Part of it is testing out new features and seeing what may work for an eventual sequel. Games are getting to expensive to develop without having a good base of data to see what works and what does not. In addition, it helps keep the branding of a game in people’s heads while waiting for a new sequel. Even if they…
Sonic clap in space? Ok.
Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies; they have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and…
A man is on the street bleeding out due to a wound. A famous doctor comes by the man and does nothing. A bystander notices this and stops the doctor. The bystander says to the doctor, “Why don’t you help that wounded man?” The doctor says, “Nobody asked me to.”
Or use some free music.
I’ll work for cheap. I’m really good at making EDM tunes on my IPad using GarageBand.
The Russians engage in disinformation campaigns called reflexive control. The point isn’t to push a specific narrative, but to spread information to cause chaos. This means, Russians can spread stories that attempt to inflame the left and right while desensitizing the mainstream. Pro tip, ignore twitter.
Some manager somewhere is telling Taylor that she needs a edge. Part of me is wondering if this new song is a joke or is some image consultant’s plan to help reinvent Taylor ever few years. Planned media garbage here. Taylor go back to being a musician and fire your publicist. Or, go down the Prince route where…