Wow, this was an A.
"Oh man, they were awesome. Yeah, yeah. They were awesome.
It's so funny because it's so nothing in a way, but incredibly profound.
It reminded me of Sam Shepard."
Scream Queens is fucking dire. Have that show. Empire RULES.
this reviewer is way off. I don't think he gets the wavelength this show is on. he is the same reviewer who didn't understand the ridiculousness that is Quantico [only doing so on a vanilla episode]. This why this is episode was a B+, a great combination of ridiculousness/hilarity;
Cookie's 3 day bed montage and the…
i really hope the last scene of the series finale is Dave finally growing a pair. HIS HAIR IS GREAT.
what the fuck josh, this show has been the wonderful mixture of ridiculousness and over the top since the pilot, and it is only now, with the worst episode so far [the bomb exercise was beyond awful, only saving grace was the last 10mins with the shootout and the twin reveal to the class], that it clicks for you. …
I would recommed waking life and a scanner darkly as a double bill.
Epi.4 end credit song: jab chhaye mera jadoo by asha bhosle. shout to SHAZAM [©copyright Shazam Entertainment Limited 2002 to present].
This was a B episode.
jk jk. can you imagine it? i can. they would over do his appearance by having short sitar music play everytime he enters/exit scenes. i would love to tune in to a fred willard show before he gets too old [that type of old where they start looking whithered. i wouldn't be able to handle that for 21mins].
Aziz's dad throws me off. he is keeping a good actor from elevating that role. can we get Fred Willard please? can he get a netflix show next please? [though i presume he will be part of Christopher Guest's Macots movie]
I'm biased. i love T&E so seeing Eric on this show is great. i love his unpredictibly, but can understand your point. oh god, come to think of it, i'm probably the eric of my group of freinds.
loving the show but think the flashbacks and dream sequences go a bit too long. apart from that, i like how he has took a Louie [Louie now my shorthand to french new wave] approach to the project,
lol, i love how Shakes' sounds so ridiculous.
Can we just agree that this show is an A grade, and it will never be anything less. the past weekly variations on the A [A, B+, and B+] has been cute, but let's be real here, this show is NEXT LEVEL. we are lucky to be witnessing this awesomness on a weekly basis. Shakes' [short for shakespere] and the greeks, have…
True that Hannibal. i stuck with it because he is just funny all the time, loved the music acts, but the format was suitable.
Peter Sarsgaard is not in Twin Peaks.
Wow, that was bad fish level of awfulness. i expected an episode like this at maybe episode 18, as they have to save for the finale, but episode 4! shiiiiiiiit. "CALM DOWN JEFFERSON, FOCUS, USE YOUR NATURAL ATHLETICISM TO GAIN CONTROL." awful. that dr. hewitt actor was terrible. that scene between caitlian and…
i lol-ed so much at the line delivery. the simon/elias episode will be a bottle episode.
i'm loving the ridiculousness, cheesy-ness, and over-the-topness of this
show. It's more like fbi high-school, amiright? i call Jacob Artist's
character to be the bomber, as the camera lingered on him amongst the
trainees for too long, he hasn't been on the show before, so i reckon
they are easying his character in to…