
I disagree, things are that simple. Usually the more complex things are the more full of shit they are. Women have their own privileges that they have no issues taking advantage of. Men on average are also different than women. You don’t see women upset about how there are mostly men in construction or other dangerous

People like you” isn’t refering to literally you.

Again, you can’t set rules on how you want to be treated and with your next action you break your own rule. You can’t win that battle.

Yeah I agree. Asking for inclusivity while doing things that are only inclusive to people like you, is kind of illogical.

They’re not going to sleep with you.

Yeah I’ve listened. I drew lines of what is acceptable. When the victim gets a taste of power and starts being an asshole it’s usually not a good sign.

Please stop talking to me, I need my safe space.

It’s like yelling “stop the violence” while beating someone up.

“Our culture remains our top priority, and we remain committed to taking the steps that we need to become a leader in Diversity & Inclusion. We will always encourage Rioters to share their perspectives, and we fully support efforts by Rioters to further our Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.”

When you help women fight for their rights and equality and then they turn around and start excluding you it’s a slap in the face. I don’t understand how equality and inclusion turns to excluding people based on gender.

I saw a racist guy drink water, I think I’m racist too now, I’ve been drinking water all my life. 👌

Damn you is dumb 👌

Yeah and they’re turning the frogs gay too!

For sure we know that the media will continue to make you famous if you go out like this. What’s a few dead bodies if you’re gonna get a ton of clicks...

Fair enough, that sound annoying... thanks for taking the time to explain.

As I said to someone else already (and I’ll just copy and paste):

Gotcha... I work with annoying people too though I just tend to avoid working with them when possible. The overly literally and only care about being technically correct.

I don’t know the context to say for sure this is the case, but again in engineering there it’s really important to know the exact details of how things work and having a total understanding of it. Problems arise when someone has a misunderstanding of something. So when two people have a different understanding of

Are you an engineer yourself? Engineers usually explain things to get to truths, doesn’t matter if it’s what they thought it was as long as it’s true. You accomplish this by explaining what the part you understand and seeing if it holds up to others understanding. Yeah sometimes they get excited about stuff because

Feminism isn’t about equality anymore.

Appreciate that, I need all the internet points I can get.