It just takes a one liner to add context.
It just takes a one liner to add context.
Does it resonate with you? Cool. Guess you’re ‘woke’ now? Cool.
A tiny bit of context goes a long way. I keep forgetting though, context doesn’t matter in 2018.
No need to update that ABC already apologized falsely reporting that.
No one wants to read a hot-take on how “white people are cowards”. This is just more of the same clickbait bullshit trying to get people riled up because (more anger) = (more income). There are a lot of “truths” that can be said by generalizing about any race, problem is it’s still racism even if it’s mostly true.…
In a world where outrage pays... good job you got click. You’re just not doing anything good for anyone.
Look. Shitty people treating other people in a shitty way is not insta-racism. For this to be racism you have to prove that she only treats certain skin color patients like this. I’ll be the first one to pile on towards a racist but as a white dude I’ve been treated like shit by shitty people, they’re just assholes…
Hope Elon Musk will say something you can take out of context to help battle these slow news days. /s
Woke is not what it used to be.
I think they are saying if you are lighter skin, don’t hire darker skinned people. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish, right?
I guess that whole “(beta)“ next to “autopilot” doesn’t deter morons.
Hope you get slapped by a dick.
Yeah fuck this. Sounds like a thot who got kicked out and wasn’t happy about it. Now everyone is throwing around allegations without any actual evidence being needed, so why not.
Man, fuck you. Hope your mom #metoo’s you for touching her vagina during birth. You were an unwanted pregnancy after all.
He seems pretty self-aware and in on the joke. Don’t be bummed.
The comment section here is for agreeing with the bullshit they post. Don’t waste your time with this site, they cherry pick commenters based on what they want to hear. It’s a fucking echo chamber.
Funny how they understood who was at fault not too long ago.
Because the bias is pretty clear and people rather not “bite”. It’s a more polite way of saying “fuck off already”. Also most commentors on Jalopnik have not be all that pro-Tesla. There generally is a pretty big mix, they just can see what the media is trying to do.
Please make a you slogan “fair and balanced” but keep the quotes. Althought from where I’m standing, it probably doesn’t matter either way.