
The answer to that question is we all turn 40 eventually. You can’t stay shrp forever and honestly...who even wants to.

How this woman transformed herself from cool rock chick to cheeseball TV personality is mind boggling.


...Good? I’m opposed to the death penalty AND unnecessary re-traumatizing the victims. But I still want to know why his victims all reported that he smelled bad and needed to eat constantly.

While his crimes are ludicrously extensive, I’m not down with capital punishment so hurray.

The state killing one less person — no matter how heinous that person may be — is a good thing in my book.

One of the things I’d like to see with contact tracing is that the person who tests positive is then sent periodic updates of the number of people tied to his/her infection, how many of them are hospitalized and how many die. I don’t know if that is possible, but if contact tracing is going to happen in any in depth

Kyle is off this season. She is picking bad fights and then feeling sorry for herself and stomping off like a teenager when people don’t buy into her bs.

Haha I will never get tired of people thinking Onion headlines are real life.

I agree with your sentiment though just want to add that many people have lost their livelihoods and are truly frightened and suffering. And mostly they are sanely choosing to respect the directives, and are staying at home, washing, wearing masks, and social distancing. I just don’t want us to lose sight that there

Yes! Wasn’t she playing one of Louis’s servants in his mansion? I forgot about that!

They are click baiting us olds. 

I fucking LOVE Bram Stoker’s Dracula, despite how campy and ridiculous it is (maybe because of, come to think of it). Gary Oldman’s performance is my favorite thing about the movie. I’m sure most millennials would say it’s utter trash and not be able to truly appreciate it for what it is.

I seem to remember Anne Rice taking out a full page ad to denounce the casting of Tom Cruise but took it back and apologized to him after the films release.

Oh my! Hauer would have been an amazing Lestat. I has the BIGGEST crush him back in the 90's. Was very sad when he passed away.

Christian Slater, not Christian Bale. 

aw, thanks for the memories. I’m 42 and was the target audience for this film. i was goth, i had read most of these books (they ramble on A LOT and you can skip entire chapters without missing much, unless you enjoy reading the phrase “the savage garden!” up to 4 times per page!) and my favourite thing to look back on

Leah blaming Asia Argento for Anthony Bourdain’s death haunts my brain. She’s written some hella problematic things.

But all opinions are not created equally, and there are some things I can’t ignore if I want to respect my friends.

SAY WHAT NOW??? I believe you, but where are you reading this gossip? I need to catch up!