

So what you’re saying is LS swap > All.

But almost no car is...

I love when JDM fanboys get butt hurt over LS swaps.

I’ve already seen one on the road, and honestly it’s not a looker IMO.

You can’t possibly think this is real.

The R is hardly boy racer at all. It’s barely different from a GTi.

So don’t pack anything, got it.

Meh, Jez is full of SJW’s  who hate anything with a dick... well that was born with a dick.

by saying you’re the minority.

You’d be wrong, he is one of the highest rated batman actors.

Flew from FTL to LV this past week. The Hudson News assholes can eat a bag of refried dicks. They wanted 20 dollars for a chicken wrap, and 10 dollars for a bud light... in what world is that even remotely reasonable?!

He’d then get his ass kicked.

oh my god, just shut the fuck up.

Bought my 2016 HyperBlue series sti from a dealer in Utah for 38k (right at MSRP) when local dealers were trying to swindle people for 45K+.

It’s road legal (at least it’s plated) and has raced at the local events before.

The guy has worked for everything he has. Go fuck yourself.

This has been my favorite shooter in years.

I unlocked all of them by playing. Just put in the time and do the challenges.

Steve Bannon looks like he asks for a to-go box at golden corall.