Maybe they didn’t bother with the 2018 Mustang update because it really isn’t much of an update. *shrug*
Maybe they didn’t bother with the 2018 Mustang update because it really isn’t much of an update. *shrug*
It’s called progress. In case you haven’t noticed, we haven’t had legal slave trade in 150 years. You’re really trying to run that strawman argument? Defending China’s abuse of their workforce because slavery existed at the procreation of America?
Versus what, your utopian paradise of modern day communist Venezuela - free health care for all with no medicine and dirty beds?
I know why it came on GM cars. My point is that most of Cadillac’s lineup are not expensive supercars. Neither are the GMC Sierra or Yukon. The Corvette is actually a cheap supercar. It even came on the Buick Lucerne!
“This adaptive suspension, once the sole purview of expensive supercars...”
1st Gear. Everyone wants to say its anything besides Trump. Can we just accept that even if you don’t like him he may be doing something good? Just because you hate someone, or even if they are a bad person, doesn’t mean they can’t do good acts.
So, Trump says a bunch of “bullshit” according to you guys and all of a sudden there is a massive influx of reports about in-sourcing and he gets zero credit.
Congrats, for today, you’re the face of the not-insignificant amount of neckbearded dipshits who comment on Jalopnik!
Political views aside, she’s right. There’s a big chase for autonomous cars, but we really don’t know how to make this happen on a large scale. Mapping technology needs to be upgraded, safety concerns must be met, and then there’s the generational challenge of technology adoption.
It would be interesting to tell this to a super SJW person Prius driver.
Also he’s had a ton of “creepy uncle” moments that wouldn’t reflect well
I hate, HAAATE, flames shooting out of my face, loooathe the cheeto elect.
Conflicted here.
Yeah, that’s what it was, except then Bronco took a nearly 25 year vacation, so now it’s Ford’s version of the 4Runner.
Stop using this unoffical concept image. It gets people’s hopes up and just makes them angry. It’s not going to look like this. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a rebadged Everest.
Ten grand buys a lot of gas at $2 per gallon. Difficult to see the economics of this working except for very high annual miles driven situations.
I am aware of the specifications, but the people who actually use trucks will probably not consider a heavy-half sufficient to do the work of an underrated 3/4 - 1 ton drivetrain. I’d guess that is why the Nissan won’t crack the heavy light-duty truck market. For the same retail price, consumers who need a heaver…
Japolitic. Change the damn name already so someone can use jalopnic for cars again.
Automation has progressed in th 20 years since that article was produced.