
many many companies share profits. are you waiting for the next revolution so you can justify what is in your heart? kulaks deserved it right?

marxism has claimed the lives of over 100 million people in the past century and you are going to jump on capitalism?!?! the least capable tend to hate the system they cant seem to win in.

jalop is in the tank and michael just moved out of his parents home

that socialist country will be eating pets by then. they are regulating themselves right in to third world poverty and the elites orchestrated the whole thing

its amazing how skeptical people are about what trump tweets but no worries at all when elites like Elon and Bill Gates talk about decreasing population......what do people think they mean when they say that? what are the populations these people want to decrease and how do they want to do it. im very skeptical

unsecured debt vs secured...that was easy

you underestimate how much Trendies care about looking cool and signalling that they are part of the accepted eco group. they will live with poor quality and unreliability just to post on Instagram about their car.

Kinja is shit.... that is all

I came here to say FA is shit and so is jalopnik these days. the monthly meetings must be tough im sure traffic has dipped

so if there was an f150 with camo on it people wouldnt pay attention?

on camera, it sounds terrible and not very refined at all. Autoblog says it squeaks a bit as well. stunning looking car though so I will give it credit for that

build what you say you are going to build and build in on time without huge problems until then my dislike for tesla will continue to grow

funny to see how many people have failed to look at Michigan politics. for almost 60 years democrats have most of the important roles esp in the city of Detroit and flint, Michigan, Detroit flint’s issues are not from the past couple of years its been a constant erosion of what Michigan was for the first half of the

Detroit water is one of the best aquifers in the country.....

you know the face an expecting mother makes the first time she feels the baby move?.........yeah it’s like that when i hear a 787

average IQ in Somalia is 68...


Man Jalop is shit these days...

do you think socialists think about the future?

why would they pay.....their plant and its equipment was just taken from them.....stop virtue signaling