
Yeah, yet I’m the jackass for pointing out that during that time, the Clintons, Bushes, and Romneys made up a majority of political candidates or Potuses.

Thank you. Your country thanks you.

I’m not a fan of Bernie, but I respected him. He did his best, but the Clinton machine is very powerful.

You do understand that I named one democratic family, and two republican families, right? 66% of my statement includes corrupt republican families.

I specifically named the Clintons (Democrats) and two Republican families (Bushes, Romneys). My alliance is to my country, and those three families have become political dynasties and have to go.

Yup. Which is why I named three families. They all have to go.

I actually accused the Clintons, Bushes, and Romneys of all being corrupt. But you singled out the Clintons.

Do you really disagree that the Clintons, Bushes, and Romneys are not corrupt families?

Yeah, that is still too poor. 1% of the 1% here.

I don’t thing you grasp how corrupt the DNC and the Clintons are. Not everyone in the democratic party is, but the DNC, and the Clintons are extremely corrupt. The Clintons, Bushes, Romneys all need to be sent packing.

Agreed. I don’t get how you can roal coal and be proud or happy? I love how clean my trucks are.

You are probably too poor to understand this, but I can buy anything I want with a charity without having it go into my pocket.

Found the cunt with shitty titties

Yeah, so useless for the real world lol.

I’m a pretty big conservationist and diesel guy, fuck these guys. They build retard mobiles.

Yeah they give diesel guys a bad name.

Reliability goes down significantly, but regardless, a 4BT will generate at most 265 lb-ft reliably, whereas a 3.0 V6 from VM Motori will do 420 in the same space.

Found the guy who has actually experienced the uselessness of a 4bt. It makes a great fork lift engine though.

Not for nothing, but they do already sell export only diesel rubicons

It’s not a joke, you do understand there was a donation of at least 10 million in the early 2000s, right?