
Wow, that was an oversell... The only things that remind me of Chrono Trigger are that the party trails behind you on the world map, the cliff reminds me of a certain cliff in CT and one can see that they seem to have comboskills. The music isn’t bad, but nothing to write home about. And the game doesn’t look too

1.3 HYPE

Tja ich achte darauf nicht sehr, aber es kam mir bekannt vor, und da ich sowas normalerweise nur bei Rechten sehe lag der Osten nahe :-)

Suikoden II seemed to be the best console rpg of all time, until ... I don’t know anymore what happened last, I think Nanaki (that’s the name of your sister right?) got captured. I don’t know, suddenly I could go to tons of places and the story was nowhere to be seen, because I had to recruit like 200 people into my

Thüringen? Dresden? Zu faul zum googlen, aber zum hier posten und vielleicht später die Antwort lesen reichts :-)

Lists like these without Europa Universalis IV, Portal and Deus Ex are always a bit fishy. But since the list is of games that are relatively new, it is ok :-)

Oh please, why can’t people just accept that there are two genders (and arguably more), and that generalization in this department is about as useful as national, racial, and any number of -ials and -isms. It ranges from really good (maternity leave/ different conditions on paternity and maternity leave) over not

Well, one of the new things is that you can put characters and/or worlds in the cloud. And for the expert mode (just got a shield from EoC that’s really fun) you have to make a new world. Just edit your inventory with some goodies if the start is too slow for you (for me too, actually, unless i play coop). All the

Oh you. You are such a silly country :-D

Are you sure? Open World used to be almost PC exclusive (or first playable on PC) until GTAIII, AFAIR. And you forget that among the main genres on PC are FPS’ (still think people are hallucinating when they say that works on consoles :-D), RPGs and Adventures.

Also, you are a really powerful psychic, as you know what I think and feel. Thanks for telling me, I had no idea..

Klick on “Share”, then set the check on “Start at”, enter the time, copy the link, done. You’re welcome. But I think this constitutes spam, after all it has nothing to do with the original post.

Yeah, I love that everything that might get “press” has to be a master crafted speech, and that today everything can get “press”.

So, sexual attraction and love are synonyms for you... And while you can have impulses you don’t act on, others mentioning impulses means they act on them... Yeah, you seem like the right one to sit on a high horse...

Except that isn’t true. The Witchers are ostracized because they are Witchers, but not that much. But every stranger and everyone who is different has a very hard time on the continent, so everyone who travels or is a bit excentric gets it dirty. And witchers are always different and from another place. There are

It’s like Warcraft and Warhammer. Warhammer was way earlier and Warcraft took much from it, and got way more mainstream.

Yeah, my beard looks like that after a week. What about that needs grooming? After a couple of weeks one should cut the hairs on upper lip and beside the mouth, but otherwise no grooming required. Just my two cents...

Witcher 2 is about knowing what you can get and what not. I don’t use blocking at all, just give the strikes i can give, and dodge away. So it’s important to hit and run. Combos aren’t really important. Abilities only matter to create more or bigger openings to strike. I can understand if one doesn’t like that though.

I don’t expect good story in a Bethesda game. I Min/Max and powergame and explore a bit, and then I’m bored :-)

Hmm, as soon as i saw the graphics, i thought “why do the textures look like crap all of a sudden?” Looks like a console game, not like maximum settings...