HA! Watch "Blast from the Past."
HA! Watch "Blast from the Past."
Hmm, you may say that is the Phoenix, but we all know it's an Aes Sedai weaving Saidar...
Nice and all, but if stuff like the new zero suit is the result... Even i (and i don't like Metroid anymore since it has put on airs and has to be 3D, and has to have a metric ton of fluff) know that the zero suit is the suit she wears under her armor, how is she supposed to get into her armor if she has all that crap…
Ok, after the prologue i can say that this game is not for me. Not one (!) answer was something i would have said, and when my partner started to pressure me, without a thought about what I was thinking... It's too narrow, too personal for me.
Subsitute with effeminate. Well then all the effeminate people are sad....
So it's Alien Swarm with more stuff?
Yeah, the gel or fluids are just sloshing around in there. That's how it is with all internal batteries...
Well, if they just calculated the factors between deadly dose and usual dose... This is worthless!
But humans starting to bake bread thousands of years ago doesn't mean they had toast...
I can see looking at the package and then knowing around how many Tampons a woman needs in a month, but asking my wife or daughters? I would have to be insanely bored. But I heard that one package is made for a month, so yeah...
GoT is another one of the shows that depends on everything being crap. House, Sopranos, Wire, Breaking Bad and so on, i can't stand it anymore. So with WoT, where the crap has a reason, where the characters are as important as the bigger story, where stuff happens, and let's not forget that WoT still has sold way more…
That's at the heart of the story. If the characters aren't so young, if they don't have problems coping with the monumental responsibility, the story would loose much. And the AssPull on Dragonmount was the worst in the last third of the series.
Never understood why people were so against being told how stuff looks. And why they insist on reading stuff they don't like instead of skipping it...
Well, i thought the campy adventure show was the best that could happen to SOT, being unimaginative and cheesy is no problem there.
Chile is a country, Chilli is a plant...
In short: It doesn't.
So, they didn't lift any mystery? "Why the holes" never was a mystery (since trepanning was done in the neolithikum), how the trepanning made the circles so perfect and why THIS skull is not clear...
I glossed over the clothing and architecture, but when i wanted to know how everything looked, i read it all. It's books, you can read them however you like.
I somehow doubt that. I haven't seen a difference in the amount of discussion on the last books compared to the first ones. I like the whole series, and don't think the bloat is that bad. Fans seem to agree with me quite often. The books still sold like sliced bread.
Ok, I've seen it now. I thought it would have been a superb fan film. Up until the healing. After the healing the scene should have become really dynamic, but the script trudged on. And no good visualization of the Power and LTT just walks somewhere? The scene after the healing should be a definition of "Shock and…