Donna Meagle Graduates

I dunno. I’ve lived in some pretty all-white neighborhoods from time to time, so I feel qualified to say that “normal behavior” in such places appears to be a smorgasbord of bizarrely-specific neuorses, exacerbated by free-floating anxiety and the constant fear that someone, somewhere is “getting away with something.”

Remember when cell phones became popular and everyone started recording everything and there ended up being a countless number of videos displaying blatant racism over a bunch of years and white people stop denying America is predominately racist and did everything to eradicate it?

I used to teach my middle schoolers about the Universities in Kemet (Alexandria) and Timbuktu. And how the people of Kemet was just and extension of the people of Kush and others further north on the Nile (south on a map.) Then I would show evidence of the pyramids of varying designs there - that predate Kemet (Egypt)

That first letter was incredible.
“I’m not racist, you’re racist, now I’m casually dropping the hard r as a white man at a black man he’s telling is less than him.  I have no racist bone in my body.”

I do not feel one whit of pity for Melania, but I do enjoy her Resting Please Wake Me From This Nightmare Face.

Sure, but isn’t it easier if you can just key out that color from the whole image and don’t have to worry about manually selecting out the dress in each frame if it happens to be a color that appears elsewhere in the frame?

That’s Admiral Windsor to you!

People who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Even the institutionalized racism.


I remember that shit haunting me as very young kid. I still can’t believe my parents let me watch it.

Awww, no Iron Maiden edits like the Queen? Or maybe this was real?

You know that shade of green is uses for green screens specifically because its a shade you do not see very often because its jarring and uncomfortable. Why would you wear clothes of that color. No one looks good as a lime Popsicle.

Do you guys read deadsplinter

I miss Gawker.

So, I grew up in Vernon, literally in the condos that abutted Action Park, later Mountain Creek.

For a great blast from the past, check out the comments on The Concourse.

The first letter write reminds me of the United Nations building, except all the flags are red.

Stephen, I am also “some.”

The rats are finally fleeing the ship. Will the band play on? Will the captain stay at the helm till the end? Can we never let these fucks wash themselves of that orange stink for the rest of their days?