
They wouldn't have believed him, like what happened when he tried to explain himself and they didn't believe. He explained himself straight away and was told to keep quiet or get shot.

Daryl was clearly exhausted and flustered when that zombie arrived. you know they are supposed to be human not some robotic zombie killers.

Oh come off it. They showed him trying to explain himself, you missed it. They told him to be quiet or they would shoot him. No plothole, no lack of communication.

I think when you read reviews and comments boards like this any cliffhanger can be described as a misstep rather than just this particular instance.. That's cos the spoiler culture that has grown up thru the internet means that basically any cliffhanger is all but explained immediately after the show airs, completely

Thank you for taking the time to write this considered and interesting take on the prequels. There is a lot meat to chew on. However, I am in broad agreement. i always felt that the decision to do a prequel was wrong as a prequel would never be in a position to deliver on the idea of Star Wars that most of the die

It would be a nice touch if it was. However, starting and sustaining a fire in the middle of a forest is a lot easier to starting and sustaining a fire in a quarry.

I got the impression they only left their group cos of the insulin girl who then died and when Daryl told them about only '2 friends whereabouts unknown', they thought better the devil you know. This ties back in with the 'people will do anything for safety' line.

and why would they believe him?In fact, even when he says something approaching 'Im not who you think', the blond guy says something like 'of course you would say that' and if 'you don't keep quiet, i'll shoot you'.

I think monogamy would probably be non existent in the ZA.

I'm sure this has been all pointed out many times already but Daryl's ''friends'' explained what happened with the forest and the fire. They were holed up there at the beginning but were surrounded/overrun and they started the fire and left. Then they got scooped up by this new group of slave drivers(?). They were on

Personally my criterion is that they have critical acumen.

I actually don't have no idea who that is and, more importantly, I feel I don't need to know.

This is clearly the worst review I've ever read, so at odds with what I watched. This was the funniest episode and the most emotionally charged which made a nice change of pace from the nostalgia driven pilot and the stalling for time ep2. The fact that they were fighting a summoned demon upped the stakes

Well… cos Heroes thats why. But make no mistake, Tommy is an atrocious character. Hugely cliched, the slightly nerdy kid who gets powers then gets the girl. That's trite and probably sexist. All this supposed being the saviour of the world, the thing that is driving the plot, has all been exposition driven. and

Yes I'm hoping for a plot wipe where they go back in time and Tommy gets killed and Hiro just goes and does what ever it is Tommy is supposed to do to save the world.

I can't believe they brought Hiro back and then gave his powers to… Tommy. They essentially neutered their only universally loved character for… Tommy. Tommy whose acting amounts to making constipated baby faces. Whoever thought that that was a good idea should be removed from ever having anything to do with TV again.

I agree to a point. But you have to understand: the reason for the over the top praise and focus on the acting is to obscure the fact that there is nothing in the show to talk about. Or rather, the show is so vague and abstract that literally any meaning can be imbued into the show. The show is designed to be an empty

You are really doubling down on missing the point there, my friend. They had a rationing system all along . Now, in a very short space of time, they have seen one of their own go a little bit crazy and kill someone, then get put down by an outsider, Walkers get inside the walls, the existential threat of a massive

They've shown before on at least two occasions that they are careful about food/have a rationing system. That scene was to show that now there is a substantial threat the little civilisation that Alexandrians have built is crumbling. There is no inconsistency here.

that's a good thing. Kevin is the worst character on the show. The only mildly interesting thing about him last season was whether he was hallucinating or not . They doubled down on that by having him definitely hallucinating this season. To great effect it has to be said. but still when the greatest thing about your