Something "Toto" something something "Rains down in Africa" something. LOL!!
Something "Toto" something something "Rains down in Africa" something. LOL!!
I live in Tennessee and I raise a fuss about it to anyone who will listen. That makes me somebody. Somebody is greater than nobody. So your argument has been rendered idiotic. If you stop trying to make it seem like everyone in Tennessee is chill about this - maybe people will stop assuming because you're a southerner…
Hey man - I've lived in the south for 22 years - I'm technically a southerner and I don't understand the distinction. Your argument decries the need for a nuanced viewpoint but you start if off by stating that Yankees are glib and Southerners have some deep understanding of the intricacies of antebellum era social…
The dunk contest hasn't been anything but luke warm garbage since I was in high school and I'm over 40.
Parent of the year
Your math may be a bit off. According to wikipedia, the character debuted in 1973 - 40 years ago. He died today at 84.
We get blue bell here in nashville. We also have multiple jenis locations. I have to say blue bell isnt even in the same league. Not even close. Its a crime to call both ice cream in comparison. Of course being originally from Oklahoma, Braums kills blue bell 7 days a week, so perhaps I'm biased....
What is it with Italy and all their fkn racism?
Yea, I must be in the minority.