
So, while I would love to see the dethroning of Trump ... how is this different than what the governor of North Carolina is doing right now, that every liberal (including myself) is lambasting as an affront to democracy? Or the rhetoric we criticized Trump for throwing around before the election?

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

On the bright side? Jezebel (and its tentacles) would flat-out ban you or dismiss your comment. Not saying it’s any consolation in your particular case but it’s one of the reasons I still come back here. It could be worse.

75% of the country didn’t vote for Hillary either by that logic.

Why would you want to see stories that are complete fabrications?

Let’s admit that Facebook doesn’t care about truth, it cares about likes of sponsored ads and links.  

Gosh darn that guy reporting vandalism of a historical building. Such an asshole.


A certified pre-owned Lexus. More features, better reliability, and more luxury for about the same price.

Whitewashing with a black actor. It seems there was a pretty fair variety of ethnicity in the movie. People just want something to bitch about

Because, you know, one can’t exactly discover a new place if nations of people were already living there for centuries.

When will someone from the EPA be charged for poisoning the Animas river in Colorado? I want to watch a hearing about that.

Which grandstanding politician will say the stupidest and most uninformed things? That’s what I want to know.

Europe = not bowing down to the Americans and handing over confidential data just because the Americans think they need it.

“smelly” ? Another pathetic and nauseous big0t... Moreover you have no idea of what you are talking about: it has nothing to do with your facebook status but more with the personal or private (gmail rather than facebook there) data which may be copied/stored abroad.

I was merely commenting that this one-sided narrative appears to totally disregard and contradict everything else that’s been said, and it seemed weird.

Wow, just wow at all the people basically apologizing for her and her bf murdering someone. It’s actually scary to see how so many people are so easily manipulated by a sob story.

She contradicts everything that has previously been written about this case. There are texts that indicate she and her boyfriend planned the murder. Their relationship was complicated alright - but don’t believe she wasn’t involved in her mother’s death.

Clear your schedule today. You need to watch, in this order, “Caddyshack,” “Stripes,” and “Ghostbusters.”

Hmm “Samsung R&D”, isn’t that an oxymoron? Are we sure this building isn’t just line of sight to the new Apple building in Cupertino? San Jose is not that far away from Cupertino...