I have a serious question.
I have a serious question.
Funny because especially lately I’ve realized that this applies to their entire lineup. The classic design of the e38, e39 and e46 are all miles nicer looking than anything they make now. BMW used to make sophisticated and mature looking designs, now they’ve gone off the techno-future shit side of things and it’s…
Wait. Was that a 7 second trailer? Pushing the definition, I’d say.
I think she has read too many contemporary-art textbooks, and has found yet another way to transfigure narcissism and sensationalism into art. In addition to whatever else it may be (I don’t feel qualified to comment on her rape allegation), this may be a savvy career move, as she will be much more marketable in the…
I think the message she’s trying to send is. Me!!
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
Are you confusing this with Malaysian? Singapore is one of the top-rated airlines in the world.
What is it with people that randomly flip on the “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, LEAVE” mentality when people criticize America? I guarantee you that people don’t flip out like that in Canada, for instance.
Pack yourself up and leave, you asshat. I’m not any less an American than you are, just because I would like our country to be a decent place to live.
Sweden is starting to look like a very nice place to live.
Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.
Maybe now FIFA will learn their lesson and clean up their act contribute to the right US politicians.
He’s the rare pitcher who really just works the middle of the plate.
I don’t agree with Kipnis on a lot of things, but her original piece raised a lot of legitimate issues with the current direction of the feminist movement, especially on campuses.
No, I think people just got their feelings hurt because she described specific situations in ways not entirely sympathetic to the women involved. And, as we all know, being unsympathetic to a woman = being sexist = basically rape.
I like that you think second wave feminism is misogyny.
I’m not even sure what is the particular objection to her original essay. Is this a failing on the part of this Jez article or does this speak more to the “incoherent” nature of the students’ protest? I read the article, and I didn’t find it especially shocking or even pro-rape (a ludicrous position to take). Am I…
College activists are the biggest problem in most ‘liberal’ movements. They tend to be self righteous, knee jerk folks who, while certainly meaning well, act with such fanaticism that they play right into the hands of those who oppose the goals of the left. And worst of all they turn on their own in a heart beat…
Read this earlier, and just, wow.
I mean, I was an idiot and a bad person in college too. But I never felt like I had the ability to try to ruin somebody’s life because... well, not because they didn’t agree with me, exactly, but because they agreed with me, but not on every exact thing.
Title IX is one of the greatest…