This really is ridiculous. Fine ‘em, dock ‘em a 3rd rounder and move on. Comparing this with Armstrong, Bonds and Arod is a hyperbolic as you can get.
This really is ridiculous. Fine ‘em, dock ‘em a 3rd rounder and move on. Comparing this with Armstrong, Bonds and Arod is a hyperbolic as you can get.
I'd be surprised if 50% of the people on Tinder aren't evil robots from outer space.
I pulled every muscle in my body jumping off the couch after that second goal. I forgot to stretch before the game.
Really, people? People in the comments that think he should press charges, you just seem ridiculous to me. It appears it was a lighthearted, carefree moment built up from excitement. I do think the daughter trying to track the guy down is a little much, but he looks game in the photo.
Maybe she means “fix” in the same way a veterinarian does.
I heard about Carly this morning and that in her announcement she said she knows how to fix the economy.
Pacquiao would’ve landed more five years ago. Not sure he’d have won, but it would have been a better fight.
You’re right about the casual fan. I won’t watch the rematch.
Floyd’s wives took more punches for a much smaller payday.
This is, on multiple levels, like watching Italy win the World Cup again.
“I wish I was unbeaten.”
Especially your toothbrush.
What we saw today at Spa is light years ahead of anything that F1 can do right now. 6 hours of epic awesomeness. No DRS, no Pirellis, no Ecclestone, no whiny drivers; just pure racing.
Reporter was being a dick and everyone with him (and in his ear) was telling him to back off. There is plenty of real estate between you not getting the camera angle you want and being under martial law.
Can someone please give writers at Jezebel a dictionary, so that they can learn the difference between peaceful protesting and violent protesting/rioting? Because one is an acceptable way of voicing dissent and the other is a criminal act.
Headlines lost to history: “Russian, Japanese Forces Decimate Poles”
Yet another reason why I shy away from the vast majority of social media platforms: I don’t want to hear from people that don’t deserve to be heard from.
I don't think that you learned anything in college if that is your warped sense of fairness and the value of truth. In fact, under your scenario the "bigger principle" becomes involved in telling lies. That is in your pod.
The bigger principle at stake is due process. Colleges have demonstrated that they are completely incapable of dealing with accusations of sexual assault and rape. They either ignore the accusation and drag their feet in investigating, or they conduct ‘hearings’ where the result is predetermined (can’t review the…
see, everyone knows Sam Biddle is a serial rapist, but apparently Anna Merlan and the rest of Jezebel, don’t want to actually fight rape culture, by y’know, making sure Sam Biddle gets fired from his job