
Fact checked something that purportedly happened during a drug fueled party in 1976, almost 40 years ago, where the main witness is dead? It doesn’t sound like HP contacted either Jett or Currie. So what exactly did that fact checking consist of? Talking to Jackie? Oh wait, she said that her managers never forced to

To be fair to Joan, Jackie felt the same way as recently as 2009.

“I’m sort of curious if Jett and Currie are remembering this incorrectly.”

“It’s better to just admit that you acted shitty because you were too young and inexperienced to deal with the seriousness of the situation, than it is to accuse Jackie of lying because it goes against the “tough girl champion of the downtrodden” image you’ve created for yourself.”

“Let me tell you what was going on: A girl was raped in front of a bunch of people.”

Your odds in 2015 of actually figuring out what happened at drug fueled party on New Years almost 40 years ago are pretty remote ...

“The US has one approach, Europe has another, and neither one is really any good.”

Forget those American banksters, the real thing that’s bring the US down is that damn Swiss soccer organization!!!1!

Forget the banksters, I’m glad to see that the Feds are attacking the real corruption that’s destroying the United States ... a soccer organization.

I never said the quote was from the story. So I’ll leave it “as is.” Thanks though.

I see her latest line is spreading the “calculated vendetta” bit to try and dampen the impact of Nungesser having multiple accusations against him.

“Did you miss the part where she only reported it because she heard he had raped someone else? “

“What Anon experienced sounds like a sex assault which would have escalated if she hadn’t defended herself and left.”

“The police were interested in following up ...” Do you have any evidence of that?

“ ... but sorrier still you don’t have compassion for what this author went through.”

Well, the author reported him after being one of several women approached by Emma. It wasn’t her initial thought to report him: “I wasn’t emotionally scarred or anything. I’m used to people grabbing my ass in bars that’s the shifty state of the world today. Honestly, I didn’t even think it was a reportable offense

“She did go to the police but ended up dropping it because she didn’t want to deal with the investigators”