I wonder if any Dem who shows up would just straight up laugh in their faces and tell them to dance some more for Deadbeat Donnie.
I wonder if any Dem who shows up would just straight up laugh in their faces and tell them to dance some more for Deadbeat Donnie.
The stamp collectors are really going to lord this over the coin collectors at this year’s Philatelists-Nusmismatists Softball Wine Mixer
Incognito, ergo scum.
“Dad? I thought you were dead.”
Who among us hasn’t sipped on a paperbag tallboy in a park, turned to their buddy and put $10 on the tall kid to strike out the side, and then screamed “Get off the field number 8, you fucking piece of shit.” when he gets absolutely lit up?
Clearly this guy just wished he was a little bit taller, wished he was a baller, wished he had a girl who looked good, so he would call her.
Their biggest nightmare (fantasy) of being cucked by a black man just came true.
I think we all know who pooped in the bed:
He thinks he’s some sort of private dick, but he’s very much public about it.
Exactamundo. Part of Kellyanne’s three-step is to say “Well, I don’t have that information.”
Libya was a fucking disaster. However, Obama was against the Libya intervention but was convinced by his party’s hawkish elements led by then-SecState Hillary Clinton. They tried some more Team America: World Police and naturally, it went belly the fuck up.
You think a dispatcher is going to take a call concerning a potential school shooting...potentially, nearly in progress...and just do nothing? (According to the delusional soccer mom, but 911 don’t know that!) Even when it doesn’t seem likely or credible, like kids calling in bomb threats to get outta tests? They…
Orange & Blue Is The New Browns
great piece David
Your trolling sucks and you’re fucking stupid. Try harder.
I understand you think those things are bad. That’s not the point. The point is that “Islam is bad” is a terrible paradigm on which to base foreign policy. Saudi Arabia demonstrates this point perfectly. There are few more extreme Islamist states than Saudi Arabia and yet they have been an unshakable ally for DECADES.…
Its in the Bible. Jesus said to hate anyone different from you, because loving them and wanting to live peacefully with them makes you gay.
Actually it’s not amazing that humans used* slavery for thousands of years, as we are a deeply flawed and destructive species, and we’re not even the most resilient weed species (cue pot jokes, if you must)- vermin will still be here after we kill ourselves off.
It makes more sense when you understand that Cohen is not a lawyer in the traditional sense. As this very story confirmed, the total number of legal “clients” that Cohen had was three. He’s not in the business of practicing law, he’s a fixer/bagman.
being a racist is not necessarily espousing hatred for a race. He’s a misogynist, too. But he still likes to have sex with women. Sleeping with a woman does nothing to change his misogyny.