
Well, you succeeded amazingly.

Now you just need to find someone who can draw in a children’s book style and then submit to Yearling Books.

I’m reading this as if it were a children’s picture book...

Quite simply, we like to say that voting is a right, but we rarely act like voting is a right. I don’t have to register with the local government to speak freely, nor do I get a card that I have to keep in my wallet so that I can be afforded my Miranda Rights if I get arrested. Because those are rights. By contrast,

Add Stef and Torch instead. Puffalumps and obscure VWs for days.

Recent photo of the driver:

Thank you!  I learned something today!

Try putting an FE in it, instead. Or a Windsor, or even a 385 series BBF. They have their challenges, they’re not cheap, but the rewards are far greater than having to respond with “LS” every time someone asks what’s in it.

The 928 is heavier. So much heavy. The 944 - especially the S and Turbo S - was the sweet-spot (Goldilocks) of the front-engined Porsche experiment.  Not too heavy, well balanced chassis, engine that isn’t based on a Vanagon motor.  

Well, we now know that a Puffalump will fit into a NACA duct.

Nicely done, Stef.

(although I wish they had managed to keep the Porsche gauge cluster)

Well, after the recent stock exchange plunges driven by sell-offs in crypto-currencies, he probably lost screen-name value.

It is rather nice. Learning to drive on an old air-cooled VW (35+ years ago) with hills was a special type of hell at the time, but made me a much better driver overall.

Acceptable responses:

Hill-hold + manual transmission = winning.

Granted, it means my kid won’t ever have to deal with the stress of learning to start on a hill with a manual (unless I buy a 20-year-old car for him when he’s old enough to drive), but it also means that hills - even if I’m driving up Madison on that wicked stretch between

More carbon is created from the burn cycle as well as the processing into biofuel than is sequestered into the biomass.  Therefore not carbon neutral.  Better than fossil fuels, of course, but definitely not neutral.

I don’t know about the rest of the country, but in Seattle, you’re allowed to have up to 8 hens within the city limits, while in neighboring Bellevue, you’re allowed to have 6 (provided you have the available space, of course). Outside of city limits, as long as they don’t roam free and pester the neighbors, there

True, but producing biofuels (e.g. once you harvest the rapeseed, switchgrass, whatever) is not carbon-neutral.  You are still releasing more carbon dioxide than you are putting into the system.  However, it is, as you stated, better than fossil fuels.

They still burn, which means they still create carbon pollution.  

You don’t have to go vegan.  Backyard chickens for eggs are eco-friendly (especially since the chickens eat garden pests).

8.8kWH PV array (grid-tied) plus my wife’s 2018 40kW LEAF is a start at our house, but I still need an EV replacement for the 2015 SportWagon TDI (maybe the Kia Nero if they improve the range a bit). Nobody makes a good EV station wagon, unfortunately.