“Oh you’re 16 and live in Oregon? Can you travel to Washington state?”
“Oh you’re 16 and live in Oregon? Can you travel to Washington state?”
Counter-counter point: this is the interior of a car owned by a person who is focusing on the driving experience, not someone who needs shiny objects and gee-gaws on display to raise their self-worth.
Change my mind.
Not in the E82. If it is turned off, it is *off*. There’s nothing quite like that initial blast of hot, humid air if your E82 has been sitting outside in the sun for a while after running the AC and then turning it off. It’s a bit like stepping briefly into a sauna.
Beautiful E34 interior. I still believe the E30 / E34 interiors were the most driver-focused and ergonomically-superior cockpits of any BMWs, and perhaps some of the best designed cockpits of any vehicle, period. Nothing unnecessary, everything canted slightly towards the driver, everything well within reach. The E36…
The artwork on the side is what makes thisvan. So they can’t touch those pannels.
The E28 M5 is filthy, filthy car porn. Points for recognizing the E30's beauty though.
Choose something uncontroversial and universally loathed, like the 5-series GT.
Seconded. That was the cherry on top of the damn sundae.
Why not OneDrive?
Seems like the engine and transmission and (mostly) brakes are already sorted. How about checking your steering box and adjust as needed. Likewise, might be good to check and replace your torsion-bar bushings as needed.
Seriously. That’s f’ing gorgeous, even if the ass-end seems a little out-of-proportion (e.g. long).
*If* Tesla can get it’s shit together as a company (yes, I know, teething troubles, but I’m old enough to remember DeLorean, so I’ve got a very jaundiced eye) with regard to assembling the Model 3, and if they can add a HUD, and a shadowline trim option, I could see this being something I’d consider - especially if…
And how many children do you have again?
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
I heard somewhere once that they were also necessary to vent hydrogen gas from trunk-mounted batteries, but that seemed a little odd since hydrogen rises...
Type III all the things!