“I’d say blame the Jews but arson sounds good.” -Donald Trump
“I’d say blame the Jews but arson sounds good.” -Donald Trump
This makes me incredibly sad. I work at a school near a beautiful mosque in Northwest Houston. They held large Ramadan services recently and it was a privilege to see thousands of people dressed in their best entering and leaving throughout the day. Local churches and businesses permitted them to use their parking…
*rolls eyes at sad troll without ungreying*
The idiots who did this are probably patting themselves on the back for fighting the ‘War On Christmas’.
nothing says the spirit of christmas better than hate!
How is that shocking? (White) Americans have always loved their Confederates and telling descendants of slaves to “get over it” or “it was in the past” or “*I* never owned slaves” or “you people have chip on your shoulders”.
And traitors too, don’t forget the glorification of traitors. That is what the Confederates were, traitors to America. They committed treason, and should be grateful they were not subjected to real punitive measures. They, like ISIS and AQ, declared war on America. That is what that flag represents in addition to the…
I can only assume that they’re also going to do a large electronic display with the names of the millions of slaves that had suffered under the system that flag was flown to preserve. I mean, they’re constantly claiming this isn’t a racial issue; reflecting the black lives lost is only fair.
The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.
Yeah, bu t she had her “black friend” so it was all cool.
She’s not “rich”. 1 youtube video with 9 million hits doesn’t make millions, it barely makes thousands.
“One blogger saysYouTube paid him $5,675 for a video with about 4 million views over six years.”
It’s “no-makeup makeup.” It looks nice! Just not bare. I don’t think she ever does that.
I barely recognize her without the red lipstick and heavy eye shadow
And her dear black people vid was especially charming. Complete with token black coon friend. Fuck this lady
I have also worked at MOA. My partner has worked at MOA for 5 years and works there now, in HR. Regardless of these concerns, he and I are in support of this protest. BLM protests are peaceful, and there were efforts to search bags, which every protester complied with.
Uh, no. I was at the protest last year. My partner works at the mall and witnessed the protest today. Neither were “a punch away from utter chaos.” You have no idea what you are talking about.
It’s not a “no true Scotsman” fallacy or “expecting feminism to be a single entity” to say that advocating against body shaming when it’s your body, while profiting from it when it’s somebody else’s, is massive hypocrisy. Nor is it “making perfect the enemy of good” to say that asking us to believe the Dunham travesty…
Because “single editorial vision” is a huge assfuck cop out. No writer here subscribes to the ideology of Phyllis Schlafly, or is secretly posting on MRA forums about how feminists are all worthless cunts. There are no articles about the evils of abortion or blaming rape victims for getting drunk and being…
In today’s Tweet Beat, Allure is incredibly amused by the properities of Tina Fey’s skin, John Krasinski is making…