
Getting in early with my standard H-D comment before the usual “hate Harley” crowd arrives wishing for the company to die.


Also, get rid of Erik. I am convinced the guy hates cars in general. 

Welcome.  Please use your influence to fix the current Kinja mess.  Also keep things weird here.

Jezebel is where they tell you how sexist the books are, complain about the lack of LGBT content in them, then review Drag Race while complaining/gossiping about more Kardashian bullshit.  I want to support feminist causes but they don’t seem to want my help

You’re probably running into a biased crowd here since it’s automotive welders. Pretty light gauge stuff in the larger scheme.

Buy this stock example for more money than a modded drift version so that you can dump a bunch of money into it to turn it into a modded drift version.

Established name for safety, better price, much better interior without all the obnoxious pretentiousness that is usually associated with being a Tesla owner.

Jesus, I have to go back to the homepage and click the comments icon just to get them to load. Cant even remember what I was going to say. How does Kinja get even worse???

For one thing not everybody is financially hardened by the pandemic. Those who are not will take advantage of the better interest rates to purchase more car/truck. I don’t see how that is a bad thing if they want more truck, more tech, bigger engine etc. A lot of people here, readers and writers alike, seem to feel

They’re good trucks Erik

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.

Now playing

For those who don’t understand entropy.

And in other, completely unrelated news...

“and bing wings are dumb.” - Margin of Error = 100%. 

GM cars will run like shit much longer than most cars will run at all. 

Have your star for the obscure SK reference!

I made this exact sentiment last week when this was going down and got flamed. I am going to be so pissed if you get a lot of stars for saying this now.

$48.4? I’ll take 2