That is a nice hat.
That is a nice hat.
What a gorgeous car, yet here we are with this “article”.
You came in here with the shit take, not me, Earther is that way cuz.
Ole Smokey could have helped them out. These guys need to spend some time in NASCAR cause they can't cheat for shit.
So fetch
I bet it smells good burning :p
We’re talking about vegetable based oils used in frying mostly, they are just fine in smaller resedential amounts and the worms/grubs love it from what I hear.
So will your compost pile :-D
Came here to post a conspiracy theory about infrastructure getting done.
One ski!
Don’t stick your dick in crazy or let it stick its dick in you.
Nice that you can lay down a bit of sand and then pavers. Here i on the eastern side of the states, you’ll be digging down several inches to put a base layer of crushed stone so your pavers don't sink under load. I like the look, but I prefer actual pavers instead of gravel. Good job!
Yoga is absolutely wonderful. It complements regular strength training, it’s something you can do everyday (my wife and I try to get at least 20 mins before bed), and keeps you limber. I follow Sarah Beth yoga on youtube, she has videos for all ability levels and does a good job with explaining. For strength…
Leave your kink out of this!
He checks all the boxes.
Sure, we did have a head start, and we polluted our fair share for certain. That should not be an excuse to let other countries have their hundred years of coal use when there are cleaner solutions.
Putting lipstick on a pig. This is literally nothing compared to the pollutants from their coal consumption.