
Why on earth would you take a car that sexy and wrap it in white, gray, or black? Who the hell ruins it like that? Alfa never should have never allowed that to happen.

Funny you mention this. For those of you who don’t know, running that truck around the country is a one man job. They have the trailer and truck engineered so well that the person driving the rig can load, unload, and swap tires on that thing at any event.  Crush some cars and head to the next show.

If this is what comes out of dieselgate, I think it’s going to be a fair trade-off for VW. This is the kind of initiative needed from a top tier car manufacturer to move ever closer to mainstream adoption for EVs. I’m not really up on the revolution, but it seems to me that the current crop of EVs have been along the


Whatever, it’s not got solid axles, it’s trash.

If only fuel station companies agreed with you...

You don’t have to wait, this happens all the time. Diesel pumps are generally only in the outside lanes and idiots like to fill up there because they’re the easiest lanes to pull into, then go inside for 20 minutes to piss and get snacks. Fuck those retards, they’re the ones that really need a tow.

Plus it’s a 1/2 ton truck, not a bro truck by any standard.  Hell, a half ton truck is a mini truck here in the south.

First off, that’s a half ton pickup, not a bro truck. Second, a bro truck is going to have a curb weigh of another ton to ton and a half, which the Tesla could possibly pull if it’s in the dry and the truck isn’t on a wetted down surface.  I wanna see apples to apples.

Fire extinguisher, and make sure they know how to use it.

Not surprising at all, I imagine every female inbox on the internet be like...

Going to need a link so I can put one of these on my truck.

Get out of here with that shit. We hate Musk, and everything he’s doing is ridiculous and has no value. HARUMPH!

So you’re responsible for letting Cali burn! Pause that effer every now and then.

This is the most correct take in the history of takes.

Good thing that truck had such a large frontal area to absorb the impact.

Honestly not surprising, it is a good looking car.  Also, in the past few years I’ve seen more women than men in them, and I’d be willing to bet that others have noticed the same.  

Snitches get stitches!