That’s understandable, thanks for the reply. Go see the movie, I bet it’s good. Don’t worry about some take that is looking a little too deep for some unintended meaning. Movies are there to entertain, let them do that.
That’s understandable, thanks for the reply. Go see the movie, I bet it’s good. Don’t worry about some take that is looking a little too deep for some unintended meaning. Movies are there to entertain, let them do that.
Honest question, did you see the movie or are you just taking this person’s opinion as gospel? I bet it’s a pretty good flick.
Can’t or won’t?
You leave the Patagonia clearance rack out of this!
Actually it’s black, and there is none more black.
Vogue tires would like a word with you!
Came here for this. These are the same people that brag to no end about how well they drive in the snow.
It’s also very well documented that there are a glut of high paying jobs available for skilled trade workers because there’s no one applying for them. I’m sorry that the cost of living is high where you are, but there are vast areas of the country where you can earn great money while enjoying a reasonable cost of…
Yea, pretty much this, but one thing I can’t help them with is their choice of career path. There’s a real shortage of skilled workers in the US now and they are not $10/hour jobs. Electrical, plumbing, iron, carpentry, welding, etc. all start apprenticeships well above what you can make by working McDonalds and UBER.…
Dammit, I didn't see this article till now, and this is the correct answer that I was about to post.
Yes you do you ignorant fuck.
You go flashing a gun on your hip like that asshole and you might catch lead poisoning in the south. Of course in this case, no real loss.
Yep, pretty much this. I didn’t read the article, just saw the headline and scrolled to the top comment to make sure the readership is keeping the blogger honest.
I’m going with fever dream!
Nah, Jalopnik is about the only site with somewhat even keel posts and readership which sets it far apart from the rest of the trash blogs in the header. It’s much easier to not click on the occasional Felton article or anything with Tesla/Musk in the title and get some decent content here than any other.
All of splinter is a dumpster fire.
30-33 seconds in the video. That is more heinous than what LeBron did by a mile. It’s one thing to hug it out after the S goes D, but to never get to the S in the first place is just cowardly.
Got damn, why does everyone forget Blade.
Unfortunately, we’re a ways from that, although the fight for growing hemp seems to be going well. I’m sitting on 100 acres that is potentially waiting on the outcome while I go back and forth on selling vs keeping. Also, farming is hard effing work, it’s not like I can throw some seeds in the ground and money…