Done with Kinja

All I can think of, is “has the shop contest finally jumped the shark?”

Your one this week was well worthy of a mention. Just to say I appreciated it!

Thanks for the mention!  Good job by sciteach.

Good job to the rest of the banned for life club members for their continued efforts to bring taste and class to this place in spite of Zack choosing not to acknowledge their hard work!!!...that being said congrats to Tiger-Nemesis and the rest of the mentions. 

Thanks for the mention! I’m particularly happy with how Tony’s shadow came out. 

Not the Hero we needed, but the Hero we Wanted!

Come on Tony Hawk, do you want to live forever?!?!

Some punks just want to watch the world burn

Oh Gleaming, such an under-viewed treasure

The only good Hawk, is a dead Hawk. 

BOY! 👀

You meant EXCELLENT!