It is with great humility and honour that I have managed to ascend to the banned for life club. Thank you to Zach and the banned for life committee for their inspiration.
It is with great humility and honour that I have managed to ascend to the banned for life club. Thank you to Zach and the banned for life committee for their inspiration.
Congrats to Done with kinja on the win and to the rest of the mentions! And a very special welcome and congratulations to MonoArtan!! Welcome to the Bob The Rock Image Shifter Demigod of Photoshop Hero of Man banned for life club ™️!! A well deserved honor!!! Also I'm pretty sure I inducted someone on my own when…
Bob! Bob! We may have been ignored (atleast until those images haunt Zack in his sleep), but we got a new member! Welcome MonoArtan! Membership dues are payable by post every Saturday!
Dont worry! You'll make it some day.
Wow, thank you! As a first time winner, I encourage every reader to give the contest a try!
Nice! I didn’t know we had so many members of the exclusive club. wow. I feel left out.
Great job, all! Congrats on joining the Banned For Life Club, MonoArtan! It just had to be done.
Nice touch with logo!’s fought Lance Henriksen, so...kinda?
Has Pred fought a robot?