Done with Kinja

Your brown fingertip looks like it was submitted up your ass, the same place you should stick your posts.

I would be scared too!

As always, excellent perusal material for morning toilet time. Good job everyone

They should always be found under that tag. For some reason I forgot for this week and last week. Should be fixed now. 

I mean hey now he is an all star 

Gizmo would like to thank Zach for his award. 

So am I Zack, so am I

Phew, I thought I was hitting the ban train for my entry. Until tomorrow!

Congrats to MonoArtan and the rest of the mentions. Cecil we made it back to prominence!!! And Zack what do you mean running gag I only see the greatest musician in history being brought the spotlight he deserves!!!

Move zig for great photoshop.

tardar sauce fits in quite beautifully here <3

The eyes are fantastic.  Nice work.

it killed a little of my soul to make it. 

HAHAHAHA this one is killing me!!!

But not the touch

Id love to, but you'll have to remove that damn cat.

I didn’t even know! But no, just put a spoiler alert for the article

Zack had one rule!