Done with Kinja

Excellent work all around!

As a victory dance, I shall post my Pikmin one I did today. Thanks for the pick and as ever, well done to everyone who took part for a great week of entries.

dang these are really funny. nice job!

Congrats MonoArtan on the win and to all the mentions. Cecil we did it again!!!! Bob the Rock, Image Shifter, Demigod of Photoshop, Hero of Man and Cecil_banon 2020!!!! Oh and Zack jokes on you I recycle my toilet paper so I'm never out!!!



Ha I work at Costco and I can see this happening! We sold 450 packs of ass wipe in 40 minutes!


“What in tarnation is a corny virus, anyway?”

Finally found the Water/Grass type Pokemon WeePee! I bet he will have a shitty evolution.....

I was literally working on this! Damn you!!!!! Lol

I know they cancelled The Dark Knight video game, but I’ll give it a shot.

Not even he is fast enough to get away from the embarrassment...