Don the Don

Can we stop judging ashiness? I’m in Ohio and slathering myself with shea butter and Neutrogena bath oil and vaseline on a daily basis while I run two humidifiers in my house yet I continue to dissolve into a pile of flakes.

It is true, black women and especially black transwomen are playing life on a hardcore setting that most straight black men could never cope with. Black men need to just accept that they do have a degree of privilege, and they do have easier times, and to get with the cause not fight against it once they got theirs.

Right? I want to keep the T&A but ditch the middle. Is there a resolution for that?

I always have packets of Kool-aid and Top Ramen in my house...for the culture. I’on drink that mess, I’on eat that mess. Gotta be dying of thirst and/or hunger. I think I just outgrew it. And I only have like Tropical Punch and Sharkleberry Fin or some shit.

27 years old and already suffered TWO heart attacks...

RIP sir who supported that young man his entire life, only to be murdered by an ungrateful entitled twat of garbage.

This isn’t just one establishment in D.C. This is restaurants/bars/clubs in every “upscale area” in every major city. White flight and anti-blackness are like peanut butter and jelly. White women always feel threatened around too many urbans (read:not white). When white women stop patronizing an establishment, white

The entitlement of this dude is ridiculous! This woman and her unborn child’s lives are forfeit because he couldn’t deal with consequences from his own actions and decisions. This is what women have been saying forever. Men think nothing of their lives and don’t see them as people in their pursuit of whatever they

It always “amazes”* me how easy these kids find guns lying around.

Azalea wants to be the abuser and the abused, at the same time.

I’m trying to figure out who these people that “weaponize their sexuality” are, because that seems kinda like BS to me?

Monique, great hearing you on KCRW today. My friends and I talk about this subject frequently. If women have agency over anything in our lives, men want to control and police it. My concern frequently is when women join in these reindeer games of shame and respectability. You don’t need men to maintain patriarchy. I

Alllllll of this! I was struck by how many of my friends were non-plussed with the new She’s Gotta Have It, and Nola 2.0 in particular. Apparently, she was too much of this, or not enough of that. I absorbed the whole season after Thanksgiving dinner (that I cooked!), and then went back and watched the original again

It’s an easy way for hucksters to rob public coffers while making parents feel like their kids are getting an elite private education. If I were to solve educational woes, I’d

Think of it this way. When yo finally tell your kid Santa is a bunch of bullshit, you wont be taking away a favorite childhood memory of a black guy.

This is the first I’m hearing about the Patti thing, but how is she outing Luther?

Go fuck yourself. Seriously, only fuck yourself if you’re such an inept dickhead that you need a fucking instruction list to interact with women when you don’t need it for anyone or anything else.

And even then, don’t force kids and teenagers to hug you. Let them own their space and give it to people when they want to.

Death to “where my hug at” guy!

I mean, if these guys want used panties so badly, they can just buy a pair at Victoria’s Secret.