Donatello, Ninja Turtle Attorney

Destiny 2, the sequel to a video game in which you travel through space, wishing for Destiny 2.

I’d like to take this moment to thank the universe for allowing me to be born into a family that is not completely and irrevocably insane. I consider it the single greatest gift I have ever received.

This is so deliciously good.

I actually complemented the article. Also, being critical is not the same thing as being offended. But yeah OK.

Yup, it benches at 3485 as well so can transcode a single 1080p stream without issue if required. You need min 2000 per 1080 transcode stream... mind you that’s a ballpark number.

Yup, it benches at 3485 as well so can transcode a single 1080p stream without issue if required. You need min 2000

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

I’ll only address one point, because it renders the rest useless: not supporting, and publicly calling out, Israel’s stupid policy of settlements does not equal animosity towards Jews any more than having a Jewish son-in-law absolves one from having white nationalist anti-Semitic advisors and hangers-on.

You’re forgetting that there’s an entire industry, worth billions of dollars, waiting to justify anything and everything he does. Look no further than polling data regarding questions of Obama’s religion, birthplace, who won the 2016 popular vote, etc. This industry lies, smears, and contorts to churn out narratives

Who’s going to liberate us? Everyone but Canada and Germany has gone right-wing populist to an extent. And Canada is too nice to liberate us, and Ze Germans probably don’t want us.

This is how Democracy dies, with thunderous applause.

I really thought this article was going to be about Chobani’s ascension in 2017 to being the most popular yogurt in America.

People always tell me that I spoil my dog, and I say ‘Yes. She deserves it!’ She was rescued from a puppy mill after spending 7 years of her life in a shitty crate without any medical attention or love or comfort. So yes, she deserves to be spoiled.

Wait Dylann Roof was Muslim?

Scuse me dear, but perhaps you are forgetting domestic terrorism aimed at Planned Parenthood? Assassinations, spree kills, fires. That’s not Muslims.

A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Ford is gone for more practical reasons. It was quite coup to snag one of the greatest living actors for a TV show, albeit in a really meaty role. Is it realistic to expect Sir Anthony to return for another season?

People who supported Trump based on jobs don’t understand how the world economy works. They must think he can single-handedly reverse globalization and return jobs to the US from China, Mexico, etc.

It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think