Donatello, Ninja Turtle Attorney

My family is Jewish and my father once met Trump, back in the 80's during a business event. He used to keep the photograph around as kind of a bragging piece; “Look at the famous person I met.”

Good lord, someone deny this man a phone

I’m surprised Rock couldn’t stop himself from saying something negative about someone like this. It’s unusual for him. Usually he’s the consummate professional, always puts out that nice guy image.

God damn this movie sucks.

Everyone else seemed to ignore it, but I see what’cha did there. Nicely done.

My question is why would nintendo do this when they have the virtual console?


Woo boy. All right, I guess. Whatever makes people happy.

It's a good thing these good guys had guns to protect our freedom. Thank you for your service, lol.

it’s only a matter of time.

well, that sounds like a bunch of BS. The very question, “what would Link do?” exposes the bias.

Oh don’t worry. It will have ALL those things.

At Nintendo, we’re committed to making a simpler-looking Sykrim, 5 years after Skyrim came out.

Hey Jason, can someone there look into what the deal is with the pre-order thing? It says on the site that we can download and play Stick of Truth for free when we pre-order, but right below that it says that we get Stick of Truth when Fractured But Whole launches. What gives?

this looks super annoying. i’d die a bunch of times and give up. Enjoy everyone, but not for me.

I’m fairly sure that Nuka World is going to be closer to Automatron/Far Harbor than the “building” DLCs.

EA wasn’t ready at all this year. Why do a conference if you have nothing to show?

Man, they’re still not ready. This was so disappointing. No way it can make Q1 2017, it’ll likely be pushed.

Whelp, that’s the end of her.

Not sure about the “unfortunate” part, but still accurate.