Donatello, Ninja Turtle Attorney

This is fantastic, thank you!

Please, please let the City of NY do this. We could make so much money, and save so much on false arrest lawsuits...

Looks so awesome. Any chance of getting an English translation? Can anyone transcribe it?

Well, everyone saw it coming. A delayed game can still be great, but a bad game is bad forever, right?

that’s hilarious.

Every time I order from Amazon. No one asks me to pre-order anything else, no one tries to make small talk with me and the game shows up without a problem, on time. Every time.

Well, he looks.... nice?


Great, now I’m going to have to re-write my Super Mario Canon coffee-table book.

“if the Wii was flooded with shovelware and had no Nintendo games.”

Is that the same animations and dialogue as the Kaz rescue?


Spoiler, dear. You know Wreck-it-Ralph’s catchphrase? Your fetus is saying that right now.

Like this?

Good on Amazon. Pretty impressive how quickly they were able to get themselves together to make a statement. These things take time and have to go through a lot of approvals.

Come on FALCO!!

Come on, Falco.... please....

interesting, at E3 and SDCC I thought they planned to release Donkey Kong in November and Super Mario 3d World in December. Not that I'm complaining.