
Well said Owen. It's like you were channeling Spider Jersualem himself.

Saw this on X-Play and couldn't help feeling that adding QTE's to the cinematics isn't really involving they player, it's just tethering them to the game.

Driver II. They actually found a way to take Driver and make it worse.

"unethical conduct of Assistant State Attorney Matthew Alex Smith", "the corrupt Leon County State Attorney's Office", etc.

Bought the Aussie cut-down GTAIV COllectors Edition, kept the swag and traded in the game 3 days later for retail value of the game, used the credit to secure Fallout 3.

@MentalNote: Nope. Poppies = opium. That'd be enough of a connection for us to lose it.

I've learned one thing from this clip and a recent Lone Wolf & Cub marathon; Asians don't have blood, they have highly pressurised red paint in their veins.

"Tight deadlines to get legal clearance" = "We're not sure where they are now, but it shouldn't take too long to find four middle aged men that like dressing as bees and reek of hairspray."

....oh and while I'm venting..Hideo? Tear ducts are on the inside of the eye, near the nose. Every last crying cutscene (..and there were a lot of them) had tears defying gravity and heading straight for the cheeks.

Wow. Really? There's not enough Aussie* bashing over this?

@Stuart Houghton: Shhhh! You gotta be more careful! Just coming out and saying that, (even here on a relatively safe haven like Kotaku) is like wearing an Abba t-shirt to a Slayer concert.

I'm inclined to agree with Judd about MGS4. I feel it's the best movie I ever got to play some game in the middle of.

@Meohfumado: How do I explain the platypus?
