Donald Tramps Nose

They found someone local to Philly to provide firearms training, but I’m not sure Marvin Harrison was the right choice.

Throw in a quaint little cabin or chateau and this looks like the photo inspiration for a Thomas Kinkade painting that would be hanging in an NRA’s exec’s office.

Seems like the Japanese are reluctant to be negative.

$75 for a pencil case and nothing to write on?

Insurance is quite literally a form of gambling. The insurer who issues your policy is placing a bet that they won’t have to pay you. They set the odds (your premiums) such that they have a better than 50/50 chance to make money, just like any casino does.

Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me.

Approximately one entire human life.

Bonus points if they incorporate death wobble until you upgrade the suspension.

Also, how the fuck is Alyssa not the #1 Milano in the ranking? The fuck kinda bullshit is this?

The people in charge want draftees to come running up the Rocky steps when their name is called, which meant shutting down areas of the city for a MONTH in order to set everything up.

Milanos: overrated.

Roof racks, trunk racks.

David, he said he’s already in a monogamous relationship. I’m not sure the Pacer is the best idea.

Take THAT “other”countries! ‘murica beat all your asses with our discressionary income for game consoles! USA! USA!

I challenge you to find anyone that loves anything as much as Kurkjian loves baseball’s supposed to sound racist......and bloody

The lesson is to not part ways with money you don’t mind never seeing again. That’s how it’s always been with crowdfunding.

Why employ a quality sports anchor/reporter/journalist when you can provide a platform for people who just scream stupid shit at each other every day?