Donald J Orangutrump

I fully expect him (even though he can’t) to suspend elections if he does not think he can win/cheat, and refuse to vacate the seat if no new president is elected at that time.

Apparently some of the MAGAs think absentee ballots and vote by mail are radically different concepts.

i day dream that the secret service drags him out and chunks his stuff into the east lawn.

Apparently some of the MAGAs think

This fuckin’ guy. Besides all the shit and damage he’s done during his term, I’m just tired of seeing his face and listening to him babble gibberish every. damn. day. Ughhhhhh.

Law enforcement all across the nation attracts MANY thugs, sociopaths, psychopaths and ‘roided up misfits. It attracts them like flies on shit. Mostly because the courts have repeatedly said it was ok to reject the better, more intelligent applicants because there was more “turnover” with them.Law enforcement was set


You know there’s a problem with your movie when James Corden is the most realistically-depicted asshole.

I have had an irrational dislike of him ever since he took over for the departing Craig Ferguson, whom I miss seeing regularly.

Didn’t the guy who played Silvio end up in some lame Bon Jovi cover band outside of Philly?

“What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit.”

Ammmmeeennn. There is much wrong with Donald Trump that a motherly /fatherly slap up side the head would not have mitigated.

he can’t, because the moment he quits the state of New York is going to drop a dump truck of state charges on him

What a fucking child. I can’t understand how his followers think he is some kind of alpha male. He’s gamma as fuck. He is a weak man’s idea of a strong man. A poor man’s idea of a rich man. A stupid man’s idea of a smart man.

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I want you to be wrong but I know you’re not and now I want a drink at 10am.

Maybe the media should only send female reporters to these press conferences and let the fun ensue.

Honestly, he didn’t look that angry. As in, this felt calculated in a way to further normalize the country into the idea that press conferences will be cancelled or ended abruptly if the president doesn’t like the line of questioning.

My favorite thing from that nutso press conference? OBAMAGATE!

Because the real issue here is that her husband is obviously gay and she’s in denial.