Donald J Orangutrump

I remember hearing a story about a very attractive young lady who was working in a play & all the guys were afraid to go and talk to her.



Turner was apparently a deacon at a church in Shelby County, Tennessee, where Wright-Thompson was a member

All but 1

But Canadians ARE actually friendlier than Americans - it trickles down from there. #WeAreKindaKnownForIt #WeRarelyBeatRobotsToDeathHere #WeArePoliteButEverybodyCallsUsWhenAssesNeedKickingWorldWarWise #AskAnybodyExceptYouKnowWho #OurOnlyGunProblemIsNotEnoughShortSleeveTshirtWeather

Most of those companies are owned by folks who make a YUGE stink about illegals & immigrants, BUT fight tooth and nail against any legislation barring those same folks (because those poor bastards are employed for slave wages, can’t complain & will pretty much do ANYTHING to avoid starving).

Just like Arizona

People from Puerto Rico are US citizens too - look how far THAT got them after the last devastating hurricane season.

It was Canadian experiment - made it coast to coast thru Canada, on it’s own.


He’s a lovely man - I worked at an airport & deduced by a name on a flight manifest that he would be arriving in a private jet. I told all my co-workers (who of course laughed and blew me off).

No sleeping - if you catch my drift, nudge nudge.

Oh please - cannibalism would be a step up from the mutated zoo animals they serve now.


Same goes for IQ - couple towns worth added up still couldn’t get you into MENSA.

Van Dyke’s was atrocious - Costner is lightweight, doesn’t have the chops.

Pedophilia, not so much (See Alabama)

Hers do...

A discreet “I know” Louisville Slugger at the next gathering may dissuade future appearances of said chap