Donald J Orangutrump

This (sadly) is answer #1 to pretty much all of the problems - these people are installed to weaken/eliminate all the pesky rules and regulations that keep us safe & stop them from maximizing profit.

He’s keeping his promise to be all about the common man...

I’m guessing no-one has offered her $1,000,000.00 yet...

“Homeopaths should be paid with photocopies of real money”

Nope. Right to work is bullshit talk for “we have the right to fire you any old time we feel like it”. Doesn’t exist here. Not everyone on the web is ‘Murican.

One word: Money

Only once have I had this happen - after the manager finished her “review”, I declined to sign off on it & suggested that they might want to package me out if that’s the way my work is received. I’d only had top performance reviews up until then. She immediately started to backtrack - I stopped her, told her I was

No, PoppinZits - nothing like that at all...

“Delayed burn”

I’ve seen “black and proud of it”.

Bader is a god-damned national treasure...

Listen for a second - that sound you hear is the collective “fuuuuuck” from idiots that have just bricked their phones by randomly checking every developer option there is.


Full disclosure - I have stolen this image for my own use & am not likely to credit you in any way, shape or form.

Cocaine & strippers...

I guarantee that if said “mail order border jumper” utters those words, they will NOT sound anything like the English intended.

“Orange Dune”

Mittens has the look of a man who has been told a really nasty sex joke & HAS to smile. He also looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but there (but his wallet compels him to stay).

Orson declines a recount - you have won!!!