Donald J Orangutrump

There’s that old liberal bias towards the truth showing again...

Pretty sure that if the Obama’s were white, 75% of their critics would be less, um, patently racist pieces of shit.

A bullet to the head...

I never trusted that piece of shit...

Nevermind - deleted for being off topic

There is a parasite that makes mice not only NOT afraid of cats, but makes them attracted to cat urine.

To be perfectly clear - I have NEVER eaten a racist baby...

More real cat...

Beachhead - I still have it & a working 64.

More like Danish - lemon danish with icing

One guy plays all of those at once - the rest chase him around with chainsaws & recordings of Trump having sex.

flaming Cheeto-crusted shitgibbon

I thought it was a pic of Winona Ryder & she’d REALLY let herself go...

This is Lifehacker - on the internet.

Basically, he’s the 7 year old that just watched a cop shoot the family dog thru a fence - I can understand why he’s iffy about buying a couple tickets to the Policemans Benevolent Dinner.

She’s hot - that show is crap.

The best episode so far - his ??? when she came out naked was brilliant - couldn’t read a thing from her.

The 7% Solution (the amount of cocaine in his injections)

Not to be a jerk, but I noticed a couple typos:

Headline should have been - IOC releases statement - “IDGAF”