Donald J Orangutrump

A triumvirate of Orson for you (never before awarded, I’d like you to know)

Donald Trump—a hunk of beef jerky that rolls under the couch and is left there to harden, becoming covered in dust and cat hair until a cockroach takes it back to its lair and makes it his wife...

Great gif

The first shot of him, from the back, on stage...

Too soon...

4. Pete Rose is a dick

Bro, I’ve played LIFE on weed.

Oh, those Russians...

Win 3.11 was stellar

“Ooooops - all the info that could have been used against us has mysteriously vanished.”

I wrote the MENSA exam high & aced it.


Your poison is legal now, (it is poison, just check), and our plant is not.

I disagree - he makes a good point.

I thank your husband for this work (and you, too).

THEY are the cutest couple in Hollyweird - Dax cleaned up “big time” to get & keep her.

What’s with the almost phonetic spelling on some of this speech?

I ran a cleaning biz for 14 years - cleaned mens & womens washrooms 4x a week.

The latter is her only talent IMVHO