donald horn

same reason they charge thousands of dollars for a big box they’re just going to dump into a hole in the ground (casket):  because they can. 

For being 10 years old, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix really holds up.

Obits are expensive, as I found out when my husband died.

Because nobody subscribes to the damn paper anymore. 

Most people are unreasonable - in that there’s legions of people who refuse to see how the sketch condemned R. Kelly, AND legions of people who refuse to see how the sketch could possibly offend anybody other than R. Kelly.

But when they submitted the obituary—which would cost the family $1,684 to publish—to their local newspaper, the Louisville Courier-Journal...

I think that was a separate sketch, where Chappelle’s character on the witness stand told the prosecutor that he’d convict R. Kelly if he was on video pissing on the girl, showing his driver’s license, and with his grandma vouching on his identity while he’s pissing on the girl.

I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.

I like Gillibrand fine, but I actually think she is very vulnerable. I follow her on Facebook and ever since Trump insinuated those disgusting things about her, the comments under any post on her page are basically that she’s a whore. The vitriol, gendered nature of the insults, and volume of them makes me think that

the clinic he’s going to is the only one in the world, dedicated only to hernia repair, it’s also private and not part of our system. so it’s not that he doesn’t trust the american medical system, it’s that it doesn’t have what he needs.

personally i think he should be denied entry into my country for jet set

John Tyler ascended the the presidency after William Henry Harrison died a month into his term in 1841. Tyler’s wife died in 1842, and Tyler remarried in 1844. Tyler left office in March 1845.

James Buchanan. Lifelong bachelor with all the attendant rumors.

I have not liked Rosario Dawson from the moment she stepped on screen in Kids nearly 25 years ago. She’s always seemed inauthentic, but fine. I figured she was down for the cause.

I’m part Tohono O’odham and I married into a Tohono O’odham family. The border has bisected our traditional homelands since 1848, as well as other border tribes-the Lipan Apache, Yoeme (Yaquí), Kickapoo and I believe also the Tuscarora tribes. For the first few decades after the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, most

A border wall would divide the Native American Tohono o’odham tribe n Arizona.

Oh, good grief — the man has a hotel, stocked with probably some of the best chefs DC has to offer, and who are probably really not busy because of the fact that they’re stuck in that hotel whose name is keeping business away. You could funnel money towards those guys and give the Clemson team a decent dinner, AND

That picture looks like a joke from a bad movie about a kid who became rich.

Boo. I knew there had to be something that made my wish overly optimistic and naive, but that’s harsher than I expected.

Two Pop Stars Came Out As Dating, And Their Label Fired Them”

After he died, Andy Gibbs’ ex-wife said his record label wanted no one to know that he was married with a child because those attachments would have harmed his image.