donald horn

No, asshole. He is just asking that reforms be made and sometimes you need to get rid of people who are poisoning institutions.

Maybe the tannins.


You remind me of Gene Parmesan. You always fool me!

I attended boarding school from 92-96. It was pretty rad. Western Reserve Academy.

Let’s dispense with the name calling.

She was probably his wife before he lost his limbs. Now she’s there for the money and perks of being with a wounded warrior.

Well said and true!

I agree. The Hoff is off limits!

Cory in the House? It ran on Disney for a few years...

We’ll be cool 😎

The Advocate is garbage newspaper.

This narrative is being pushed by the racist, white gays that run Hollywood. They are the only ones that watch the Academy Awards!


NO. This bitch and his ilk have irrevocably damaged the UNIVERSE! Fuck him and his drunk bitch!

Atwater suffered an excruciating death and had a come to Jesus moment where he attempted to apologize. Fuck that Asshole.

Good Christian Morning and Hallelujah:

You still use Craigslist? Ew....

The only book they need in those schools is the Bible. It helps keep cost down.

I’m sure this was an insurance issue. Their policy was not going to be renewed.