“I miss riding, but with kids, decided them not being bastards was important.”
“I miss riding, but with kids, decided them not being bastards was important.”
“Nova Scotia is Canada’s Florida”
Are you sure they aren’t Michiganians? I usually just ask them if they are A yooper or a troll.
Too bad we didn’t elect someone you consider a “moron” sooner. He’s managed to do a better job than that last guy including at least one thing that last guy said couldn’t be done... bring jobs back to the USA.
Has she been told about your girlfriend yet?
Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?
And you might get the one who decides to have it towed ‘because it has stolen tags’.
One thing that really annoys me is people who are too incompetent to accurately determine how big of a parking spot they really need for the vehicle they are driving and/or are too incompetent to correctly park their vehicle in the spot they choose to try to park their vehicle in.
That may be, but I’m sure the tires would be more useful to the employee and would be easier to sell if they don’t have a use for them. If you were given barrels of crude oil, how would you transport and store it and who would you sell it to?
So then, why don’t you tell us what happened to the economy in their country?
To quote Indiana Jones: ‘Why did it have to be snakes!’
You could eliminate the need for crossing over to the other side if you used a flat crank and a compatible cam... but crossing over is easier.
Snow??? Oh I remember snow. That’s the white stuff that comes down in the 48 states north of here. Usually during the months they call ‘winter’. Sure glad we don’t have to worry about that stuff down here!
What a bunch of whiners. There is a lot of validity to ‘loud pipes save lives’. I used to have a K-75S BMW that, for a motorcycle, was quiet. It was also the smoothest running motorcycle I had ever ridden. You want to complain about the noise that you consider a “physical assault”? Consider yourself lucky. It’s much…
As I have always said ‘If you go someplace and didn’t buy a T-shirt, you weren’t really there... except for jail (Never been to jail).’ I have bought a number of Harley T-shirts (even though I’ve never owned a Harley) but most of them were for friends and I can’t think of a single one of them that was from a…
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret that you apparently aren’t aware of... You can do a lot of traveling on a motorcycle.
The “spirit” of the law doesn’t matter, only what is actually written in the law. Too many (or is it fortunately enough) lawmakers don’t seem to understand this and are lousy at writing laws. This is why you regularly hear complaints about “abusing a loophole”. They write a law with the intent to only allow a certain…
I thought it was called phlegm green.
What? You expect correct spelling? By the way, exactly what are...
Seems to me that your post conflicts with itself. If you had a real bumper on those two you totaled, you might not have totaled them.