
@wannahakkalooki: Then he wouldn't know it was his. Wasn't that the initial goal?

So, this is where I go to obtain my superpowers?

@zero111311: Yea, I know. Ridiculous right? Polymer is a fantastic thing.

Now playing

So I'm assuming it floats in front of your face and comes in packs of six?

@judacris: Exactly what I was thinking. Next thing you know we're all going to have windows in our hands, complete with blinds and curtains just in case we want a little privacy.

I'm going to go study Chinese in Shanghai soon. I'm really excited that the city is so well developed.

"Every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends' social media sites."

Hearing Creed's music would have scared me away too.

Hearing Creed music would have scared me away too.

Great, now I have double the chance of getting skin cancer.

Personally, I like it. I probably couldn't go on with my life without the gestures on my MBP trackpad.

And for some reason, we fear an attack from the Chinese.

I don't understand the point of apps that are just basically mimics of websites in simpler form. Half of the time, I forget I even have the app and just open up Safari out of habit.

For those of us at the beginning of the alphabet, the worse phrase in all of school had to be:

@I has only one tweet but 239 followers. That must have been one damn interesting tweet.

Ahhh, simplicity. When will the other companies learn?

I really hope the laptop doesn't belong to the guy in the middle that actually looks down at the bag at 3:10 that has now slid all the way over behind the chair through the aid of dark magic.